# Graphical interface for BooN design and analysis
# Author: Franck Delaplace
# Creation date: February 2024
# In comments :
# DEF means definition which is a code part gathering functions related to a process or an object definition,
# STEP means main steps
# WARNING is a warning.
# These terms can be used to color comments in PyCharm or else.
import sys
import os
import math
import re
from tabulate import tabulate
import BooNGui.booneries_rc # resources
import boon
import boon.logic as logic
from sympy.logic.boolalg import is_cnf, is_dnf, is_nnf
from sympy.core.symbol import Symbol
from sympy.logic.boolalg import And, Not
from sympy import SOPform, symbols
from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import parse_expr
from netgraph import EditableGraph
import networkx as nx
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5.uic import loadUi
from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon, QStandardItemModel, QStandardItem
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QSize
from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, QThread, pyqtSignal
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
from PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets import QWebEngineView
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from pulp import PULP_CBC_CMD
# Parameters
HSIZE: int = 10 # size of the history
STYLE: dict = {"Logical": LOGICAL, "Java": JAVA, "Python": SYMPY, "Mathematica": MATHEMATICA, "BoolNet": BOOLNET}
ICON01: dict = {None: ":/icon/resources/none.svg", True: ":/icon/resources/true.svg", False: ":/icon/resources/false.svg"} # True/False icons
MODELBOUND: int = 8 # Size bound of the dynamics model in terms of variables.
LPSOLVER = PULP_CBC_CMD # LP-Solver related to the controllability resolution. (destify)
# Node names for the pattern network
REG: str = '\u03b1' # lambda
POS: str = '\u03b2' # alpha
NEG: str = '\u03bb' # beta
# Integer regular expression
INTPAT: str = r"\s*-?[0-9]+\s*"
class Boonify(QMainWindow):
Represents the main application window for managing and designing BooNs (Boolean Networks).
Provides a GUI with a comprehensive set of functionalities. This class is primarily responsible for initializing
and connecting GUI widgets, setting up callbacks, and constructing an editable graph
for network interaction design.
:ivar boon: The current Boolean Network object being managed or displayed.
:type boon: BooN
:ivar filename: The name of the file associated with the current BooN (empty if no file is loaded or saved).
:type filename: str
:ivar history: Maintains a history list of BooN objects for undo/redo functionalities.
:type history: list
:ivar hindex: The index of the last BooN added to the history.
:type hindex: int
:ivar hupdate: Flag indicating whether the history should be updated.
:type hupdate: bool
:ivar saved: Flag indicating if the current BooN has been saved.
:type saved: bool
:ivar QView: Widget for displaying BooN visualization.
:type QView: QWidget | None
:ivar QStableStates: Widget for displaying stable states of BooNs.
:type QStableStates: QWidget | None
:ivar QModel: Widget for displaying the dynamic model of the BooN.
:type QModel: QWidget | None
:ivar QControllability: Widget for displaying BooN controllability analysis.
:type QControllability: QWidget | None
:ivar editgraph: Editable graphical representation of the BooN's interaction graph.
:type editgraph: EditableGraph | None
:ivar disablecallback: Flag indicating whether design callbacks are disabled.
:type disablecallback: bool
:ivar designsize: Scaling factor related to graphics elements in the EditableGraph.
:type designsize: float
:ivar worker: Background thread for processing long-running BooN operations.
:type worker: Threader
:ivar canvas: Matplotlib canvas for rendering the network design figure in the GUI.
:type canvas: FigureCanvas
def __init__(self):
super(Boonify, self).__init__()
loadUi('BooNGui/boonify.ui', self)
self.setGeometry(600, 100, 800, 800)
# STEP: initialize the Gui state
self.boon = BooN() # Current BooN
self.filename = "" # Current filename
self.history = [None] * HSIZE # History
self.hindex = 0 # Index of the last BooN added in the history.
self.hupdate = False # Flag determining whether the history is updated.
self.saved = True # Flag determining whether the current BooN is saved.
self.QView = None # Widget of the View
self.QStableStates = None # Widget of the stable states
self.QModel = None # Widget of the dynamics model
self.QControllability = None # Widget of the controllability
self.editgraph = None # Graph for the edition
self.disablecallback = True # Flag indicating whether the BooN design callback function is enabled, initially disabled (True) because the editgraph is not set up.
self.designsize = 2. # Size related to the EditableGraph and used for many parameters. It is modified when the window is rescaled to let the nodes and edges width invariant.
self.display_saved_flag() # Show the save flag in the status bar
# STEP: Connect callback functions to Menu
# File Management
# Help
# Network Management
# STEP: Initialization of a thread for long run application --> controllability
# The thread is created and started.
self.worker = Threader()
# STEP: Initialize the Canvas for network design
fig = plt.figure() # plt.figure is necessary to create a manager
manager = fig.canvas.manager
self.canvas = FigureCanvas(fig)
self.canvas.axes = self.canvas.figure.add_subplot(111)
self.canvas.figure.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=1, top=1) # Adjust the window s.t. The network fully fills it.
self.canvas.figure.canvas.manager = manager # Assign the manager in the canvas to be accessible by EditGraph.
# STEP: Enable key_press_event events for using EditGraph:
# STEP: Insert the network design figure in the main window.
# STEP: set up network design
def setup_design(self):
Sets up the design of the interaction graph and its visual representation. The method configures
node and edge properties, styles, positions, and visual elements on the canvas. It integrates
information from an existing interaction graph and generates an editable representation of the
network for visualization.
Attributes that affect the design are updated during this process, and the design callback is
temporarily disabled to avoid interference.
self.disablecallback = True # Disable the design callback during the set-up.
# STEP: Creation of the pattern-network used for edge styling.
# To prevent its inclusion in the BooN, the variable names are strings while the other nodes are integers or symbols.
# network structure: NEG <--[-]-- REG --[+]--> POS
g = nx.DiGraph([(REG, POS), (REG, NEG)])
positions = {NEG: (0.25, 0.045), REG: (0.5, 0.045), POS: (0.75, 0.045)}
# STEP: Add the interaction graph of the current BooN.
ig = self.boon.interaction_graph # Get the IG.
# STEP: Find the edge color from signs.
signs = nx.get_edge_attributes(ig, 'sign')
edge_color.update({edge: SIGNCOLOR[signs[edge]] for edge in signs}) # Transform sign in color.
positions.update(self.boon.pos) # Complete the position.
# STEP: Convert the module ids to string labeling the edge.
modules = nx.get_edge_attributes(ig, 'module')
modules = {edge: " ".join([str(module) for module in modules[edge]]) for edge in modules}
# STEP: Define the editgraph from the information previously extracted.
self.canvas.axes.set_xlim(-1000, 1000)
# WARNING : the definition of EditableGraph is the same as the definition in resizeEvent function. Any modification of one must be reported to the other.
self.editgraph = EditableGraph(g,
node_label_fontdict=dict(family='sans-serif', color='black', weight='semibold', fontsize=11),
node_edge_width=self.designsize / 4,
node_label_offset=(0., 0.025 * self.designsize),
edge_width=self.designsize / 2,
edge_label_fontdict=dict(family='sans-serif', fontweight='bold', fontsize=8, color='royalblue'),
self.disablecallback = False # Enable the design callback.
def design(self):
Designs the BooN based on the events captured from the EditableGraph.
This function establishes consistency in the nodes and edges of the graph, processes symbolic
representation, determines signs and modularity of edges, and converts the interaction
graph (IG) to a BooN object for further utilization.
Requires labeled nodes and valid
interactions to derive the BooN structure.
# The function captures the events of the EditableGraph and completes the BooN.
if self.disablecallback: return # Check whether the callback is enabled otherwise return.
# DEF: Definition of the interaction graph of the network from the drawing.
# The graph was derived from the graph drawing process.
# Arc signs are associated with their color.
# Only nodes with a label are used to define the graph.
# STEP: Find consistent nodes corresponding to the variables in the BooN.
# Consistent nodes are symbols or integers.
# Dictionary of consistent nodes id:symbol, where the symbol is defined from the node label.
# Recall that only the labeled nodes are kept in editgraph.node_label_artists. The unlabelled nodes are not considered.
# WARNING: As nodes of the pattern network are strings, they are never selected as consistent nodes.
idvar = {idt: symbols(text.get_text()) for idt, text in self.editgraph.node_label_artists.items() if isinstance(idt, int | Symbol)}
# Function setting edges in symbolic form where nodes are all symbols.
def symbolic(edge):
"""set edges in symbolic form where node labels are symbols"""
return idvar[edge[0]], idvar[edge[1]]
# STEP: Select the edges with consistent nodes. The other edges cannot be included in the IG.
edges = {(src, tgt) for src, tgt in self.editgraph.edge_artists.keys() if src in idvar and tgt in idvar}
# STEP: define the positions of nodes. The positions are kept in a dictionary { node:pos ..}
edit_pos = self.editgraph.node_positions
pos = {idvar[idt]: edit_pos[idt] for idt in idvar}
# STEP: Find signs from the edge colors.
# WARNING: The face color is (r,g,b,a) while the sign colors are (r,g,b). Hence a must be removed.
edge_attributes = self.editgraph.edge_artists
signs = {edge: COLORSIGN[edge_attributes[edge].get_facecolor()[0:3]] for edge in edges}
# STEP: Determination of the modules from edge label.
edge_labels = self.editgraph.edge_label_artists
modules = {}
for edge in edges:
label = edge_labels[edge].get_text()
# A module is a list of signed integers separated by spaces. The labels that are not integers are not considered.
modularity = {int(module) for module in list(label.split(" ")) if re.match(INTPAT, module)}
if modularity:
# re-set the label sign w.r.t. the edge sign, used if the user does not properly define the labels.
match signs[edge]:
case 1: # Positive
modularity = {abs(module) for module in modularity}
case -1: # Negative
modularity = {-abs(module) for module in modularity}
case 0: # undefined (both) - non-monotone interaction
modules.update({symbolic(edge): modularity})
modules.update({symbolic(edge): {signs[edge]}})
except KeyError: # No edge labels = no modules ⇒ the module is the sign.
modules.update({symbolic(edge): {signs[edge]}})
# STEP: Convert the edges symbolically for signs.
# WARNING: as signs dict is previously used for determining the modules with string as keys, the conversion can only be achieved here.
signs = {symbolic(edge): signs[edge] for edge in signs}
# DEF conversion of the IG to BooN
# STEP: Define the ig from the editable graph.
ig = nx.DiGraph()
ig.add_nodes_from(idvar.values()) # add nodes
for edge in signs: # add edges
ig.add_edge(edge[0], edge[1], sign=signs[edge], module=modules[edge])
# STEP: Convert the ig to BooN.
self.boon = BooN.from_ig(ig) # Find the BooN from the ig.
except ValueError: # To prevent the transient error due to edge labeling.
# STEP: Store positions.
self.boon.pos = pos
# DEF: Update the history and refresh the open windows.
if self.hupdate:
def resizeEvent(self, event, **kwargs):
Adjusts the current graphical interface parameters and components based on a resize event. It retrieves the
existing graphical configurations, calculates appropriate scaling values, and reconfigures the graphical
elements accordingly to maintain visual and functional consistency.
:param event: Resize event triggering the adjustment process.
:type event: QResizeEvent
:param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments that might be required for expansion or specific functionality.
:type kwargs: dict
:return: None
# STEP: Fix the size related to the network design
width = self.frameGeometry().width()
height = self.frameGeometry().height()
self.designsize = min(round(1350 / min(width, height), 1), 2.5) # heuristic function providing the designsize w.r.t. to window size.
# STEP: retrieve all parameters of editgraph
positions = self.editgraph.node_positions
edge_color = {edge: self.editgraph.edge_artists[edge].get_facecolor() for edge in self.editgraph.edge_artists}
modules = {edge: self.editgraph.edge_label_artists[edge].get_text() for edge in self.editgraph.edge_label_artists}
node_labels = {idt: text.get_text() for idt, text in self.editgraph.node_label_artists.items()}
# STEP: Define a new Editable graph with size updated.
g = nx.DiGraph()
# WARNING : the definition of EditableGraph is the same as the definition in setup_design function. Any modification of one must be reported to the other.
self.editgraph = EditableGraph(g,
node_labels=node_labels, # node labels must be explicitly defined to avoid unwanted integer labeling.
node_label_fontdict=dict(family='sans-serif', color='black', weight='semibold', fontsize=11),
node_edge_width=self.designsize / 4,
node_label_offset=(0., 0.025 * self.designsize),
edge_width=self.designsize / 2,
edge_label_fontdict=dict(family='sans-serif', fontweight='bold', fontsize=8, color='royalblue'),
def open(self):
Open a file using a file dialog, load its contents, and update the application state.
This method presents a file dialog to the user to choose a file with the specific extension.
After successfully selecting a file, the method loads its content,
refreshes the application view, initializes the design setup, and clears the history.
:return: None
filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Open file", "", "Boon Files (*.boon);; All Files (*);;")
if filename:
self.filename = filename[0]
self.boon = BooN.load(filename[0])
self.history_raz() # clear history
def save(self):
Saves the current state to a file.
This method attempts to save the current state to a file using the
filename attribute. If a filename is already provided, the current
state is saved to this file, and the saved status flag is updated.
If no filename is specified, the method triggers a save-as operation
to determine the filename.
:return: None
if self.filename:
self.display_saved_flag() # update the saved flag
def saveas(self):
Saves the current content to a file. The method opens a "Save As" dialog
to specify a filename and filepath, saves the content to the chosen file,
and updates relevant components accordingly.
filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Save", "", "Boon Files (*.boon);; All Files (*);;")
if filename:
self.filename = filename[0]
self.display_saved_flag() # update the saved flag
def importation(self):
Handles the importation of a file and initializes the respective properties
based on the detected file format. This function utilizes specific handlers
to import files in supported formats such as BoolNet (.bnet), Python (.txt),
and SBML (.sbml or .xml). It ensures that the application state is updated
after the import, refreshing the GUI, setting up the design, and clearing
the history if the file is successfully imported.
If an unsupported file extension is provided, it displays a critical error
message to inform the user about acceptable formats.
:return: None
filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Import from files", "", "Text or SBML Files (*.bnet *.txt *.xml *.sbml);; All Files (*);;")
if filename:
self.filename = None # no file name since the BooN is not saved in the internal format.
_, extension = os.path.splitext(filename[0])
match extension: # Select the appropriate format to import a file
case ".bnet": # BoolNet Format
self.boon = BooN.from_textfile(filename[0])
case ".txt": # Python Format
self.boon = BooN.from_textfile(filename[0], sep=BOONSEP, assign='=', ops=SYMPY, skipline=PYTHONSKIP)
case ".sbml": # SBML Format
self.boon = BooN.from_sbmlfile(filename[0])
case ".xml": # SBML Format
self.boon = BooN.from_sbmlfile(filename[0])
case _:
QMessageBox.critical(self, "File extension error", f"The extension is unknown. \nFound {extension}\nAdmitted extension: .txt, .bnet, .sbml, .xml")
self.history_raz() # clear history
def exportation(self):
Exports data to a specified file format (BoolNet or Txt).
The method allows exporting data to a file in the BoolNet or Txt format based
on the provided file name and its extension.
The BoolNet format is supported with a `.bnet` extension, and the Python-compatible
format is supported with a `.txt` extension.
:raises ValueError: If the filename extension is unsupported or invalid.
:return: None
filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Export to BoolNet or Python format.", "", "Text Files (*.bnet *.txt);;")
if filename:
_, extension = os.path.splitext(filename[0])
match extension:
case ".bnet":
case ".txt":
self.boon.to_textfile(filename[0], sep=BOONSEP, assign='=', ops=SYMPY, header=PYTHONHEADER)
def quit(self):
Terminates the application based on user confirmation and save status.
This method checks if the BooN has been saved. If it is not saved,
it prompts the user with a dialog to choose whether to save, cancel, or quit without saving.
:return: None
# check if the BooN is saved
if self.saved:
quitting = True
else: # Otherwise, ask whether it must be saved.
reply = QMessageBox.question(
"Are you sure you want to quit? \nThe BooN is not saved.",
QMessageBox.Save | QMessageBox.Close | QMessageBox.Cancel,
match reply:
case QMessageBox.Save:
quitting = True
case QMessageBox.Close:
quitting = True
case QMessageBox.Cancel:
quitting = False
case _:
quitting = False
if quitting:
# noinspection PyMethodOverriding
def closeEvent(self, event):
Handles the close event for the application window.
This method ensures that when the application's close event is triggered, it invokes the quit method
to handle quitting properly. The `event.ignore()` ensures that the close event is ignored unless
the application is closed successfully prior to that, in which case `event.ignore()` will not execute.
:param event: The close event being processed, which carries information about the window-closing action.
:type event: QCloseEvent
:return: None
event.ignore() # WARNING: If the application is closed when quit() is triggered, this line will not be executed.
def history_raz(self):
Resets the history and initializes it with the current state of BooN. It clears
the history, sets the history index to the starting position, and ensures that
the history update flag is reset.
:ivar history: A list to record the history of BooN states. Initially cleared
and reinitialized to a default size, HSIZE.
:ivar hindex: An integer representing the index position of the last BooN state
added to the history. Reset to 0 after cleaning history.
:ivar hupdate: A boolean flag indicating whether the history is updated. Set to
False after resetting the history.
self.history = [None] * HSIZE # History cleaning
self.hindex = 0 # Index of the last BooN added in the history
self.add_history() # Initialize the history with the current BooN
self.hupdate = False # Flag determining whether the history is updated
self.display_saved_flag() # The BooN is saved.
def undo(self):
Restores the previous state from the history while preventing disruptive updates.
This method decrements the history index and restores the previous state of the
`boon` attribute using the corresponding entry in the `history`. It ensures
that no unwanted side effects occur during the update process. After restoring
the state, it refreshes the current state and reinitializes necessary design
:raises IndexError: Raised if the history operation fails due to an invalid
index or empty history.
:return: None
hindex = (self.hindex - 1) % HSIZE
if self.history[hindex]:
self.disablecallback = True # Prevent disruptive updates by disabling callback.
self.boon = self.history[hindex] # restore the previous BooN
self.hindex = hindex # update the history index
def redo(self):
Redo the last undone operation by navigating through the history list and updating
the current state. This method ensures that callback functions are temporarily
disabled during the operation to avoid disruptive updates.
hindex = (self.hindex + 1) % HSIZE
if self.history[hindex]:
self.disablecallback = True # Prevent disruptive updates by disabling callback.
self.boon = self.history[hindex].copy() # copy the current Boon
self.hindex = hindex
def add_history(self):
Adds the current BooN to the history if it differs from the last saved state. This method ensures
that changes to the BooN descriptor are tracked and recorded appropriately in the history buffer.
It also manages internal state flags to enable or disable disruptive behaviors such as callbacks
when updating history. The history index is circularly updated to maintain a fixed-size
history buffer.
attribute self.hindex: Index of the current position in the history.
attribute self.boon.desc: Descriptor of the current BooN.
attribute self.disablecallback: Boolean that disables callback updates when `True`.
attribute self.hupdate: Boolean that indicates whether the history has been updated.
:return: None
hindex = self.hindex
if self.boon != self.history[hindex]: # WARNING: The BooN comparison operates on descriptors only, not on positions or style.
self.disablecallback = True # Prevent disruptive updates by disabling callback.
self.hupdate = True # Descriptor is changed.
hindex = (hindex + 1) % HSIZE # Update the history
self.history[hindex] = self.boon.copy()
self.hindex = hindex
if self.history[hindex] and self.history[hindex].desc: # The current BooN is modified
self.disablecallback = False # Enable the design callback
self.hupdate = False # No changes.
# self.show_history()
def show_history(self):
Displays the entire history of changes, showing each entry formatted according
to its identifier and rendering logic using a tabulated structure. The current
history index is highlighted, and associated data details are presented using
a plain tabular format. If a history entry lacks data, it displays a placeholder.
view = [([i] if i == self.hindex else i,
tabulate([(var, logic.prettyform(eq, theboon.style)) for var, eq in theboon.desc.items()], tablefmt='plain')
if theboon else '-') for i, theboon in enumerate(self.history)]
print(tabulate(view, tablefmt='grid'))
def refresh(self):
Refreshes all visible components, such as BooN View, Stable States View,
Model View, and Controllability View. Each visible component is reinitialized
or updated via its relevant function. This ensures that all active components
reflect the most current state.
:return: None
if self.QView and self.QView.isVisible(): # Refresh the BooN View if opened.
if self.QStableStates and self.QStableStates.isVisible(): # Refresh the stable states View if opened.
if self.QModel and self.QModel.isVisible(): # Refresh the Model view if opened.
if self.QControllability and self.QControllability.isVisible(): # Refresh the Controllability View if opened.
def help(self):
Provides functionality to call and display help using an external Help object.
:return: None
thehelp = Help(self)
def view(self):
Initializes and displays the View object for the class instance.
:return: None
self.QView = View(self)
def stablestates(self):
Displays stable states.
:return: None
self.QStableStates = StableStates(self)
def model(self):
Display the dynamical model if the number of variables does not exceed the defined model boundary
:return: None
if len(self.boon.variables) > MODELBOUND:
QMessageBox.critical(self, "No Model", f"The number of variables exceeds {MODELBOUND}.\nThe model cannot be drawn.")
self.QModel = Model(self)
def controllability(self):
Defines a function that initializes and displays the controllability object
related to the current self-instance.
attributes QControllability : Controllability
And instance of the `Controllability` class associated with the current object.
It encapsulates functionality to assess or manage controllability features.
:return: None
self.QControllability = Controllability(self)
def display_saved_flag(self, val: bool = True):
Displays a flag in the status bar indicating whether the data has been saved.
This method updates the status bar message based on the save state. If the
data is saved, a large empty circle is displayed. If the data is not saved,
a large black circle is displayed.
:param val: They save a status flag. If True, the data is saved, and the large
empty circle is shown. If False, the data is not saved, and the
large black circle is displayed.
:type val: bool
NOTSAVED: str = '\u2B24' # Large black circle
SAVED: str = '\u25CB' # Large empty circle
self.saved = val
if self.saved:
class Help(QMainWindow):
Defines the Help class, a window in the application providing a user interface for
displaying help documentation.
This class inherits from QMainWindow and is used to load and display an HTML-based
help file using QWebEngineView. It provides a 'Close' button to dismiss the window.
The layout and UI components are loaded from a .ui file.
:ivar CloseButton: The button widget used to close the help window.
:type CloseButton: QPushButton
:ivar web: A web engine view widget used to render and display the help HTML content.
:type web: QWebEngineView
:ivar WebContainer: The container widget to hold the QWebEngineView displaying the help content.
:type WebContainer: QWidget
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(Help, self).__init__(parent)
loadUi('BooNGui/help.ui', self)
self.setMinimumSize(QSize(600, 600))
self.CloseButton.clicked.connect(lambda _: self.close())
self.web = QWebEngineView(self)
with open('BooNGui/Help.html', 'r') as f:
html = f.read()
class View(QDialog):
Represents a dialog interface for managing and displaying Boolean formulas
in a tabular format. The interface supports operations like editing, validating,
and converting Boolean formulas, and dynamically updates the view accordingly.
This class is designed to be a standalone dialog that integrates with a parent
component, using its logical formulas and variables for display and interaction.
:ivar style: Style of the formulas displayed in the view.
:type style: str
:ivar parent: Reference to the parent entity using this view, typically the Boonify
class, which contains the necessary logical formulas and variables.
:type parent: object
:ivar formulas: List of formula input fields linked to variables.
Each field corresponds to a row in the table, allowing live editing of formulas.
:type formulas: list[QLineEdit]
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(View, self).__init__(parent)
loadUi('BooNGui/view.ui', self)
self.setGeometry(300, 300, 750, 500)
self.style = LOGICAL # Style of the formulas
self.parent = parent # parent = Boonify class
self.formulas = None # formulas of BooN
# STEP: Set the functions related to signals
self.CloseButton.clicked.connect(lambda _: self.close())
# STEP: Combox Box of style.
# STEP: Forbid the edition of BooNContent.
# STEP: Resize columns of the table to content.
self.BooNContent.setColumnWidth(1, 500)
# STEP: Fix size of the formula columns.
header = self.BooNContent.horizontalHeader()
header.setSectionResizeMode(0, QHeaderView.ResizeToContents)
header.setSectionResizeMode(1, QHeaderView.ResizeToContents)
header.setSectionResizeMode(2, QHeaderView.Interactive)
def initialize_view(self):
Initializes and populates the view with formula fields and their respective descriptions and
attributes. This method configures a table to display rows of formulas, sets the required
text and style for each formula, and identifies and specifies the type of logical formulation.
theboon = self.parent.boon
# STEP: Initialize the formula fields.
nbrow = len(theboon.desc)
self.formulas = [QLineEdit() for _ in range(nbrow)]
for f in self.formulas:
# STEP: Fill the table
for row, var in enumerate(theboon.desc):
item = QTableWidgetItem(str(var))
self.BooNContent.setItem(row, 1, item) # variable
self.formulas[row].setText(logic.prettyform(theboon.desc[var], style=self.style))
self.BooNContent.setCellWidget(row, 2, self.formulas[row]) # formula
if is_dnf(theboon.desc[var]): # type of the formula
form = "DNF"
elif is_cnf(theboon.desc[var]):
form = "CNF"
elif is_nnf(theboon.desc[var]):
form = "NNF"
form = "ALL"
item = QTableWidgetItem(form)
self.BooNContent.setItem(row, 0, item)
def cb_styling(self):
Updates the current styling for the component based on the selected style and refreshes the view.
:return: None
self.style = STYLE[self.Style.currentText()]
self.initialize_view() # Refresh the view.
def convertdnf(self):
Converts the current BooNn into Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF)
and refreshes the view accordingly.
:return: None
self.initialize_view() # Refresh the view.
class StableStates(QDialog):
A dialog for displaying and managing stable states in a computational model.
This class represents a graphical interface for visualizing stable states
of a Boolean network model. It allows users to switch between different
display styles, such as icons or textual representation, for better
interpretation of the stable states.
:ivar parent: Reference to the parent widget or application component.
:type parent: QWidget
:ivar style: The display style for representing stable states (e.g., 'Icon Boolean').
:type style: str
:ivar datamodel: The data model used for organizing and displaying stable states.
:type datamodel: QStandardItemModel
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(StableStates, self).__init__(parent)
loadUi('BooNGui/stablestates.ui', self)
self.setGeometry(300, 300, 500, 700)
self.parent = parent
self.style = 'Icon Boolean'
self.datamodel = None
# Button and Combo Box
self.CloseButton.clicked.connect(lambda _: self.close())
# shrink the header to size
Hheader = self.StableStatesPanel.horizontalHeader()
def cb_styling(self):
Updates the current style setting from the user interface and refreshes the stable states view.
:return: None.
self.style = self.Style.currentText()
self.stablestates() # Refresh the stable states view.
def stablestates(self):
Generates and sets up a data model to visualize stable states of a system.
This method processes the stable states of a parent object's model and organizes
them into a table-like structure using a Qt `QStandardItemModel`. Each row
represents a variable, and each column corresponds to a stable state. The
presentation style of the data (e.g., icons, boolean values, or integers) is
determined by the specified `style` attribute of the object.
:return: None
theboon = self.parent.boon
variables = theboon.variables
stablestates = theboon.stable_states
# Define a model of data to store stable states.
self.datamodel = QStandardItemModel()
self.datamodel.setVerticalHeaderLabels([str(var) for var in variables])
# Fill the table.
for stable in stablestates:
column = []
for var in variables:
icon = QIcon()
icon.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(ICON01[stable[var]]), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off)
icon.pixmap(QSize(64, 64))
match self.style: # define the view from the style
case 'Icon':
item = QStandardItem(icon, "")
case 'Icon Boolean':
item = QStandardItem(icon, str(stable[var]))
case 'Icon 0-1':
item = QStandardItem(icon, str(int(stable[var])))
case 'Boolean':
item = QStandardItem(str(stable[var]))
case '0-1':
item = QStandardItem(str(int(stable[var])))
case _:
item = QStandardItem("None")
class Model(QMainWindow):
A Model class for managing and visualizing network dynamics using a GUI interface.
:ivar parent: Reference to the parent window or application.
:type parent: Any
:ivar mode: Represents the selected mode of dynamics (asynchronous or synchronous).
:type mode: Enum or equivalent
:ivar layout: Defines the network layout function to be used for visualization.
:type layout: Callable
:ivar canvas: Matplotlib widget for rendering the network visualization.
:type canvas: matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg.FigureCanvas
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(Model, self).__init__(parent)
loadUi('BooNGui/model.ui', self)
self.setGeometry(300, 300, 600, 600)
self.CloseButton.clicked.connect(lambda _: self.close())
# STEP: initialize attributes
self.parent = parent
self.mode = boon.asynchronous
self.layout = boon.hypercube_layout
# STEP: Connect Matplotlib widget
self.canvas = FigureCanvas(Figure())
self.canvas.axes = self.canvas.figure.add_subplot(111)
# STEP: connect functions to signals.
# Radio Button to select the mode
# Network layout Combo box
# STEP: Modeling
def rb_mode(self):
Determine and set the mode of operation based on user selection from the interface. This function checks the state
of radio buttons to assign either an asynchronous or synchronous mode. The established mode is then used for
further modeling via a further call to the `modeling` method.
:return: None
if self.AsynchronousButton.isChecked():
self.mode = boon.asynchronous
elif self.SynchronousButton.isChecked():
self.mode = boon.synchronous
def cb_network_layout(self):
Adjusts the network layout based on the selected option and applies the corresponding
layout algorithm to the network. The method retrieves the currently selected network
layout from a user interface component, maps it to an appropriate algorithm, and
configures the network's visualization layout accordingly. It also invokes an
update via the `modeling` method to apply and reflect the changes.
:rtype: None
layout = self.NetworkLayout.currentText()
match layout:
case "Hypercube":
self.layout = boon.hypercube_layout
case "Circular":
self.layout = nx.circular_layout
case "Spring":
self.layout = nx.spring_layout
case "Kamada Kawai":
self.layout = nx.kamada_kawai_layout
case "Random":
self.layout = nx.random_layout
case _:
logic.errmsg("Internal Error - Unknown layout - Please contact the development team", "cb_network_layout")
def modeling(self):
"""Compute the model of dynamics.
return: None"""
model = self.parent.boon.model(mode=self.mode)
if model.number_of_nodes() == 0: # Empty datamodel = empty BooN
layout = self.layout(model)
self.parent.boon.draw_model(model, pos=layout, ax=self.canvas.axes)
class Controllability(QMainWindow):
Controllability class for managing user interactions with the controllability
widget of the GUI application.
This class is responsible for initializing the controllability user interface,
handling the interactions between destiny and observers tables, computing
control actions based on user selections, and managing the graphical
representation of these actions.
:ivar parent: Parent window instance for the controllability widget.
:type parent: QWidget
:ivar actions: Stores the calculated control actions, if any.
:type actions: list or None
:ivar row: Index of the currently selected solution in control actions, if applicable.
:type row: int or None
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(Controllability, self).__init__(parent)
loadUi('BooNGui/controllability.ui', self)
self.setGeometry(900, 300, 800, 600)
self.parent = parent
self.actions = None # current control actions
self.row = None # row number corresponding to the selected solutions
def initialize_controllability(self):
Initialize the controllability setup for the application.
:param self: The class instance on which this method is invoked.
:type self: Any
:return: None
theboon = self.parent.boon
variables = theboon.variables
nbrow = len(theboon.desc)
# STEP : set the controllability as the function of the thread
# STEP: Initialize Destiny page
self.Destiny.resizeColumnToContents(0) # fit size to content
# fill the destiny table
for row, var in enumerate(variables):
# Add variable name
item = QTableWidgetItem(str(var))
self.Destiny.setItem(row, 0, item)
# Add a status for each variable
statusbox = QComboBox(self)
# item of the status box
statusbox.addItems(["None", "True", "False"]) # possible status
# insert icons for each status
icon = QIcon(ICON01[None]) # icon for None
icon.pixmap(QSize(64, 64))
statusbox.setItemIcon(0, icon)
icon = QIcon(ICON01[True]) # icon for True
icon.pixmap(QSize(64, 64))
statusbox.setItemIcon(1, icon)
icon = QIcon(ICON01[False]) # icon for False
icon.pixmap(QSize(64, 64))
statusbox.setItemIcon(2, icon)
# insert the status box in the table and connect it
self.Destiny.setCellWidget(row, 1, statusbox)
# STEP: Initialize the observer page
# fill the observer table
for row, var in enumerate(variables):
obschkbox = QTableWidgetItem(str(var)) # add checkbox
obschkbox.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled)
self.Observers.setItem(row, 0, obschkbox)
# STEP: Define signals
# STEP: Set the destiny page as default
# STEP: Set size of columns
# fit to content for ControlPanel
for i in range(self.ControlPanel.count()):
# fit to content for ControlActions
header = self.ControlActions.header()
def destiny_to_observers(self, label: str):
Updates the check state of an item in the `Observers` table based on the
provided label and the currently selected row in the `Destiny` table.
:param label: A string indicating the check state condition. If the label
is `"None"`, the item is unchecked; otherwise, it is checked.
:type label: str
:return: None
row = self.Destiny.currentRow()
item = self.Observers.item(row, 0)
if label == "None":
def observers_to_destiny(self, chkitem):
"""Modify the destiny w.r.t. the observer change
return: None"""
row = chkitem.row()
if chkitem.checkState() == Qt.Unchecked:
combobox = self.Destiny.cellWidget(row, 1)
def controllability(self):
The method calculates control actions required to achieve or
avoid a defined goal (or state) in a system represented by the BooN model. The method determines
the applicable control actions by analyzing a user-specified query defining the desired
or undesired state, along with the possible variables that can be controlled. This process
involves interpreting various parameters such as observer states, query types, and logical
:return: None
self.row = None
theboon = self.parent.boon
variables = list(theboon.variables)
# STEP: Get the observers
controlledvars = set()
for row in range(self.Observers.rowCount()):
item = self.Observers.item(row, 0)
if item.checkState() == Qt.Checked:
# STEP: Get the query formula
query = {}
for row in range(self.Destiny.rowCount()):
combobox = self.Destiny.cellWidget(row, 1)
match combobox.currentText():
case "None":
case "True":
query.update({variables[row]: True})
case "False":
query.update({variables[row]: False})
# STEP: Convert the state profiles into minterm
formula = SOPform(query.keys(), [query])
# Check whether the query must be reached or avoid.
match self.QueryType.currentText():
case "Reach":
case "Avoid":
formula = Not(formula)
# STEP: Add control
boonctrl = theboon.copy()
boonctrl.control(controlledvars, controlledvars)
# STEP: Interpret the modality of the query (possibility, necessity).
if self.Possibility.isChecked(): # Possibility
possibility = boonctrl.possibly(formula)
possibility = True
if self.Necessity.isChecked(): # Necessity
necessity = boonctrl.necessary(formula, trace=self.Trace)
necessity = True
destiny = And(possibility, necessity)
# STEP: Destify the controlled BooN and transform the solutions into control actions (var, Boolean Value)
core = boonctrl.destify(destiny, trace=self.Trace, solver=LPSOLVER)
self.actions = boon.core2actions(core)
# STEP: Define the tree model to show the resulting actions.
treemodel = QStandardItemModel(0, 2) # Add 2 columns
treemodel.setHeaderData(0, Qt.Horizontal, "Variable")
treemodel.setHeaderData(1, Qt.Horizontal, "Boolean value")
root = treemodel.invisibleRootItem()
match self.actions:
case []: # No actions
item = QStandardItem("No action found.")
case [[]]: # The destiny profile is already obtained
item = QStandardItem("The marking profile already exists.")
case _: # Compute the control actions.
for i, actions in enumerate(self.actions, 1):
# create the root solution
rootactions = QStandardItem("Solution {:2d}".format(i))
# add the control actions of this solution
for action in actions:
# a control action is displayed as: variable + Boolean icon + Boolean value
variable = QStandardItem(str(action[0]))
icon = QIcon(ICON01[action[1]])
icon.pixmap(QSize(64, 64))
value = QStandardItem(icon, str(action[1]))
rootactions.appendRow([variable, value])
# append the solution to the tree model
self.ControlActions.setModel(treemodel) # set the data model to tree widget enabling its display.
def select_action(self, arg):
"""Keep the selection solution
return: None
self.row = arg.parent().row() if arg.parent().row() > -1 else arg.row()
def actupon(self):
"""Apply the selection actions on the BooN.
return: None"""
if self.row is not None and self.actions:
for action in self.actions[self.row]:
(variable, value) = action
self.parent.boon.desc[variable] = value
class Threader(QObject):
Threader class for managing application execution within a separate thread.
This class is designed to separate the execution of a provided application
function into its own thread using PyQt's threading mechanism. The class
provides functionality to start, switch, and terminate the application
running within the thread effectively.
:ivar finished: Signal emitted when the thread's application completes execution.
:ivar app: The callable application to be executed within the thread.
:type app: Callable
:ivar thread: The QThread instance used to run the application in a separate thread.
:type thread: QThread
finished = pyqtSignal()
def __init__(self, app=lambda: None):
Represents a custom asynchronous functionality encapsulated in a QThread.
This class initializes with a callable app function, assigns it to an internal
property, and starts a new thread for its execution.
app (Callable[[], Any]): A callable function assigned to the class instance.
thread (QThread): The thread in which the object operates.
:param app: A callable function that serves as the application's main function.
Defaults to a no-op lambda function.
:type app: Callable[[], Any]
self.app = app
# Create the thread
self.thread = QThread()
def run(self):
Defines the run function to execute the primary application logic and signal
completion. The function encompasses two main operations: invoking the
application logic and signaling the end of the process.
self.app() # run the application
self.finished.emit() # Emit the end signal
def apply(self, app):
Handles the application of a given app instance to a particular object by
assigning the provided app to the instance attribute.
:param app: The application instance to be applied.
:return: None
self.app = app
def quit(self):
Attempts to terminate the thread execution in an orderly manner. This method
leverages the `quit` function of the thread instance to signal and ensure
termination of its event loop.
:return: None
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
boonify = Boonify()
callback = boonify.canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', lambda _: boonify.design())