Source code for boon

# Boolean Network analysis module
# Author: Franck Delaplace
# Creation date: January 2024

# In comments :
# DEF means definition which is a code part gathering functions related to a process or an object definition,
# STEP means main steps
# WARNING is a warning.
# These terms can be used to color comments in PyCharm or else.

from __future__ import annotations
import re
import copy
import datetime
import pickle
from typing import Dict, Any

import z3
import math
from import Callable
from itertools import product
from pulp import PULP_CBC_CMD

import netgraph as ng
import networkx as nx
from matplotlib.colors import to_rgb
from sympy import symbols
from sympy.core.symbol import Symbol
from sympy.logic.boolalg import And, Or, Not, Implies, Equivalent
from sympy.logic.boolalg import to_cnf, to_dnf, is_dnf
from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import parse_expr
from boon.logic import LOGICAL, SYMPY, BOOLNET, errmsg, firstsymbol
import boon.logic as logic

import libsbml

SIGNCOLOR: dict = {-1: 'crimson', 0: 'steelblue', 1: 'forestgreen'}  # colors of edges in the interaction graph w.r.t. to signs.
COLORSIGN = {to_rgb(color): sign for sign, color in SIGNCOLOR.items()}
EXTBOON: str = ".boon"  # file extension for save and load.
EXTXT: str = ".txt"     # file extension for to_textfile and from_textfile.
EXTSBML: str = ".sbml"  # file extension of SBML file for from_sbmlfile.
CONTROL: str = "_u"     # prefix name of the controllers.
BOONSEP: str = "\n"     # separator between the equations of a BooN.
# color list for graph drawing
COLOR: list[str] = ['gold', 'tomato', 'yellowgreen', 'plum', 'mediumaquamarine', 'darkorange',
                    'darkkhaki', 'forestgreen', 'salmon', 'lightcoral', 'cornflowerblue', 'orange',
                    'paleviolet', 'coral', 'dodgerblue', 'yellowgreen', 'orangered', 'pink', 'blueviolet', 'crimson']

[docs] def is_controlled(formula) -> bool: """Check whether a formula is controlled. :param formula: The input formula. :type formula: Sympy formula. :return: True if the formula is controlled otherwise False :rtype: bool """ try: return any(map(lambda var:, formula.free_symbols)) except AttributeError: # Boolean True, False not controlled. return False
[docs] def core2actions(core: frozenset) -> list: """Convert the core to a list of actions where an action is a list of (variable, Boolean). The actions are sorted by length, meaning that the more parsimonious actions are at first. :param core: The core. :type core: Frozenset of literals. :return: A list of combined actions where an action is defined as:[(variable, bool) ...] :rtype: List[list[tuple]] """ ACTION: dict = {"0": False, "1": True} lctrl = len(CONTROL) actions = [[(symbols(str(ctrl)[lctrl + 1:]), ACTION[str(ctrl)[lctrl]]) for ctrl in primes] for primes in core] # Sort the actions by length. actions = sorted(actions, key=len, reverse=False) return actions
[docs] def asynchronous(variables: list | set) -> frozenset: """Asynchronous or sequential mode. One variable is updated per transition. :param variables: List of variables. :type variables: List or set :return: of sets: {{x1},...,{xi},...,{xn}} representing the asynchronous mode. :rtype: frozenset[frozenset[Symbol]] """ return frozenset({frozenset({x}) for x in variables})
[docs] def synchronous(variables: list | set) -> frozenset: """synchronous or parallel mode. All the variables are updated jointly per transition. :param variables: list of variables. :type variables: list or set :return: of sets: {{x1,...,xi,...,xn}} representing the synchronous mode. :rtype: frozenset[frozenset[Symbol]] """ return frozenset({frozenset({*variables})})
[docs] def state2int(state: dict | tuple, variables: set | list | None = None) -> int: """Convert a set of states to an integer the binary profile of which corresponds to the state of the variables. :param state: State of the variables. :param variables: List of variables. If the list is empty, then the encoding order corresponds to the variable occur. (Defaults []) :type state: dict or tuple :type variables: list or set :return: an integer such that its binary profile represents the state. :rtype: Int """ BOOL2BIN: dict = {False: '0', True: '1', 0: '0', 1: '1'} if variables: order = variables bin_profile = "".join([BOOL2BIN[state[var]] for var in order]) elif isinstance(state, dict): order = state.keys() bin_profile = "".join([BOOL2BIN[state[var]] for var in order]) elif isinstance(state, tuple): bin_profile = "".join([BOOL2BIN[elt] for elt in state]) else: bin_profile = str(state) return int(bin_profile, 2)
[docs] def int2state(int_state: int, variables: list | set) -> dict: """ Convert an integer state to a dictionary state. :param int_state: The state coded into integer. :param variables: List of variables. :type int_state: Int :type variables: list or set :return: a dictionary representing the state {variable: boolean state…}. :rtype: Dict """ BIN2BOOL: dict = {'0': False, '1': True} bin_state = format(int_state, 'b').zfill(len(variables)) return dict(zip(variables, [BIN2BOOL[state] for state in bin_state]))
[docs] def hypercube_layout(arg: int | nx.Digraph) -> dict: """Compute the hypercube layout of a graph. :param arg: The dimension of the hypercube or the network to which the layout is applied. :type arg: Int or networkx Digraph :return: a dictionary {int:position} where int is the integer code of the hypercube labels. :rtype: Dict """ dim = 0 if isinstance(arg, int): dim = arg elif isinstance(arg, nx.DiGraph): dim = int(math.log2(arg.number_of_nodes())) H = nx.hypercube_graph(dim) pos = nx.spring_layout(H) return {state2int(node): pos[node] for node in pos}
# noinspection PyMethodFirstArgAssignment
[docs] class BooN: """Boolean Network Class. :param desc: Boolean network descriptor { variable: formula, ...}. :param style: Output form of the BooN: LOGICAL, SYMPY, MATHEMATICA, JAVA, BOOLNET, ..., :param pos: the positions of the nodes in the interaction graph. {node:position, ...}. :type desc: Dict :type style: dict :type pos: dict """ desc: dict = {} style: dict = {} pos: dict = {} def __init__(self, descriptor=None, style=LOGICAL, pos: dict = {}): """Initialize the BooN object. :param descriptor: The descriptor of a Boolean Network. :param style: The output style of formulas (Default: LOGICAL). :param pos: Positions of the variable in the interaction graph drawing. If empty, the positions are generated during the drawing (Default: {}) """ if descriptor: self.desc = descriptor else: self.desc = {} = style self.pos = pos return def __copy__(self)->BooN: return BooN(self.desc,, self.pos) def __deepcopy__(self, memo)->BooN: return BooN(copy.deepcopy(self.desc, memo),, copy.deepcopy(self.pos, memo)) def __str__(self, sep: str = BOONSEP, assign: str = "=") -> str: return sep.join([f"{str(var)} {assign} {logic.prettyform(self.desc[var],, 0)}" for var in self.variables])
[docs] def str(self, sep: str = BOONSEP, assign: str = "=")->str: """Return a string representing the BooN. The output format can be parameterized (see style argument of BooN) :param sep: the separator between formulas (default BOONSEP constant) :param assign: the operator defining the assignment of a formula to a variable (e.g., a = f(...) → assign is '='). (Default: '=') :type sep: str :type assign: str """ return self.__str__(sep, assign)
def __eq__(self, other: BooN) -> bool: """ The equality between BooNs is based on the descriptor only, and not on the style or the nodes position.""" if not isinstance(other, BooN): return NotImplemented return self.desc == other.desc @property def variables(self) -> set: """Return the set of variables. :return: variables :rtype: set[Symbol] """ return set(self.desc.keys())
[docs] def delete(self, variable) ->BooN: """Delete a variable in a BooN. The formulas must all be in DNF to properly delete the variable. :param variable: The variable to delete. :type variable: Symbol :return: self :rtype: BooN """ def delete(formula, val)->BooN: # sub function deleting a variable in a formula. if isinstance(formula, bool): return formula elif isinstance(formula, Symbol): if formula == variable: return val else: return formula elif isinstance(formula, Not): if formula.args[0] == variable: return val else: return formula elif isinstance(formula, And): return And(*map(lambda f: delete(f, True), formula.args)) elif isinstance(formula, Or): return Or(*map(lambda f: delete(f, False), formula.args)) else: errmsg("a piece of the formula is not recognized", formula) return symbols("__failed__") try: self.desc.pop(variable) except KeyError: errmsg("the variable to delete does not exist", variable) # Convert BooN in DNF if needed if not all(map(is_dnf, self.desc.values())): self.dnf() for var in self.desc: self.desc[var] = delete(self.desc[var], False) return self
[docs] def rename(self, source: Symbol, target: Symbol) -> BooN: """Rename a variable. :param source: The variable to rename. :param target: The variable renaming the source. :type source: Symbol :type target: Symbol """ variables = self.variables if source not in variables: errmsg("the variable to rename does not exist", source) if target in variables: errmsg("the renamed variable cannot be in BooN variables", target) for var in variables: if not isinstance(self.desc[var], bool): self.desc[var] = self.desc[var].subs(source, target) self.desc[target] = self.desc.pop(source) return self
[docs] def copy(self) -> BooN: """Perform a deep copy of the Boolean network.""" return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def save(self, filename: str = "BooN" +"%d-%b-%y-%H") + EXTBOON) -> None: """Save the Boolean Network to file. If the extension is missing, then .boon is added. :param filename: The name of the file to save the network (Default: BooN+date+hour.boon) :type filename: str :return: None :rtype: None """ fullfilename = filename if "." in filename else filename + EXTBOON with open(fullfilename, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self, f) f.close()
[docs] def load(self, filename: str) -> BooN: """Load the Boolean Network from a file. If the extension is missing, then .boon is added. :param filename: The name of the file to load the network. :type filename: Str :return: self :rtype: BooN """ fullfilename = filename if "." in filename else filename + EXTBOON try: with open(fullfilename, 'rb') as f: boon = pickle.load(f) self.desc = boon.desc = self.pos = boon.pos f.close() except FileNotFoundError: errmsg("No such file or directory, no changes", fullfilename, "WARNING") return self
[docs] def to_textfile(self, filename: str, sep: str = BOONSEP, assign: str = ',', ops: dict = BOOLNET) -> BooN: """ Export the Boolean network in a text file. If the file extension is missing, then .txt is added. The default format is BOOLNET. :param filename: The file name to export the Boolean network. If the file extension is missing, then .txt is added. :param sep: The separator between formulas (default BOONSEP constant) :param assign: the operator defining the formula for a variable, e.g., a = f(...) → assign is '=' (Default: ','). :param ops: A dictionary stipulating how the operators And, Or, Not are syntactically written (Default: BOOLNET). :type filename: Str :type sep: str :type assign: str :type ops: dict :return: self :rtype: BooN """ fullfilename = filename if "." in filename else filename + EXTXT with open(fullfilename, 'w') as f: tmp = = ops # assign ops to style text = self.str(sep, assign) # convert to string with regard to sep and assign f.write(text) = tmp f.close() return self
[docs] def from_textfile(self, filename: str, sep: str = BOONSEP, assign: str = ',', ops: dict = BOOLNET) -> BooN: """ Import the Boolean network from a text file. The syntax depends on the ops' descriptor. The formulas must be in normal form containing OR, AND, NOT operators only. The nodes are circularly mapped. :param filename: The file name to import the Boolean network. If the file extension is missing, then .txt is added. :param sep: The separator between definitions (default BOONSEP constant) :param assign: the operator defining the formula for a variable, e.g., a = f(...) → assign is '=' (Default: ','). :param ops: A dictionary stipulating how the operators And, Or, Not are syntactically written (Default: BOOLNET). :type filename: Str :type sep: str :type assign: str :type ops: dict :return: self :rtype: BooN """ fullfilename = filename if "." in filename else filename + EXTXT desc = {} try: with open(fullfilename, 'r') as f: text = " ".join(f.readlines()) # Join all the lines in 1 string. text = map(lambda s: s.strip(), text.split(sep)) # And next separate the string w.r.t. the separator BOONSEP for i, line in enumerate(text, 1): # Parse the network description. A line is of the form: <var> = <formula>, comment line start with '#' if line.startswith('#'): # Skip comment. pass elif line == '': # Skip empty line. pass else: try: # Find '=' operator. equal = line.index(assign) except ValueError: errmsg(f"Syntax error, the assignment (sign:{assign}) is missing, line {i} in file", fullfilename, "READ ERROR") return self try: # Set the variable to Symbol. var = symbols(line[:equal].strip()) except ValueError: errmsg(f"Syntax error, wrong variable name, line {i} in file", fullfilename, "READ ERROR") return self try: # Parse formula. # STEP: rewrite the operators to Python/Sympy operators formula = line[equal + 1:].strip() formula = formula.replace(ops[And], '&') # Convert And formula = formula.replace(ops[Or], '|') # Convert Or formula = formula.replace(ops[Not], '~') # Convert Not # For constant True, False the code can be also a part of the variable name (e.g., True = 0, False = 1 and X101 as variable). # Therefore, the replacement occurs iff it is located after a space, a logical operator or at the start of the formula. formula = re.sub(r'((?<=\||&|~|\s|\()|^)' + ops[False], 'False', formula) # Convert False formula = re.sub(r'((?<=\||&|~|\s|\()|^)' + ops[True], 'True', formula) # Convert True # STEP: Now the formula is rewritten in Python/Sympy syntax then parse it. trueformula = parse_expr(formula) except SyntaxError: errmsg(f"Syntax error, wrong formula parsing, line {i} in file", fullfilename, "READ ERROR") return self desc.update({var: trueformula}) # Finally, update the descriptor with the parsed formula. f.close() except FileNotFoundError: errmsg("No such file or directory, no changes is performed", fullfilename, "WARNING") return self self.desc = desc ig = self.interaction_graph circular_positions = ng.get_circular_layout([(str(src), str(tgt)) for src, tgt in ig.edges()] , origin=(0.1, 0.15) , scale=(0.8, 0.8) , reduce_edge_crossings=False) self.pos = {symbols(var): pos for var, pos in circular_positions.items()} return self
[docs] def from_sbmlfile(self, filename: str) -> BooN: """ Import the Boolean network from a sbml file. :param filename: The file name to import the Boolean network. If the extension is missing, then .sbml is added. :type filename: str :return: self :rtype: BooN """ sbml_file = filename if "." in filename else filename + EXTSBML # STEP: Open the SBML file and get the qualitative_model model reader = libsbml.SBMLReader() document = reader.readSBML(sbml_file) if document.getNumErrors() > 0: # Check if there # are no errors while reading the SBML files. errmsg("Error reading SBML file", document.getErrorLog().toString(), kind="WARNING") return self model = document.getModel() # Check whether a model exists. if model is None: errmsg("No model are present in SBML file.", kind="WARNING") return self qualitative_model = model.getPlugin("qual") # Get the qualitative_model part of the model. if qualitative_model is None: # Check whether a Qual model exists. errmsg("The model does not have the Qual plugin", kind="WARNING") return self # Create a dictionary associating the string name of a variable to its corresponding Symbol. vars_dic = {} for species in qualitative_model.getListOfQualitativeSpecies(): species_name = species.getName() if species.isSetName() else species.getId() vars_dic[species_name] = symbols(species_name) # STEP: read the formulas from transitions and convert them to sympy format. desc = {} for transition in qualitative_model.getListOfTransitions(): # Scan all the transitions. # Get the output variable output = transition.getListOfOutputs() if len(output) > 1: # check whether there is a single output errmsg("Multiple variables assigned. List of variables", output, kind="WARNING") return self else: variable = symbols(output[0].getQualitativeSpecies()) # Get the formula logic_terms = transition.getListOfFunctionTerms() if len(logic_terms) == 0: # Empty transition in SBML file, skip it. continue if len(logic_terms) > 1: # check whether there exists a single formula only, error otherwise errmsg("Multiple logic terms present. Number of terms", len(logic_terms), kind="WARNING") return self else: # Get the SBML QUAL formula formula = libsbml.formulaToL3String(logic_terms[0].getMath()) # Convert the SBML QUAL formula into sympy syntax before parsing it. normal_formula = re.sub(r'\|\|', '|', formula) # convert || to | normal_formula = re.sub(r'&&', '&', normal_formula) # convert && to & normal_formula = re.sub(r'\b(\w+)\s*==\s*1\b', r'\1', normal_formula) # convert <var> == 1 to <var> normal_formula = re.sub(r'\b(\w+)\s*==\s*0\b', r'~\1', normal_formula) # convert <var> == 0 to ~ <var> # Parse the formula to get a sympy formula and complete desc try: sympy_formula = parse_expr(normal_formula, vars_dic) except SyntaxError: errmsg("Syntax error in the following formula", normal_formula, "SYNTAX ERROR") return self desc[variable] = sympy_formula # STEP: define the BooN with a circular layout for nodes self.desc = desc ig = self.interaction_graph circular_positions = ng.get_circular_layout([(str(src), str(tgt)) for src, tgt in ig.edges()] , origin=(0.1, 0.15) , scale=(0.8, 0.8) , reduce_edge_crossings=False) self.pos = {symbols(var): pos for var, pos in circular_positions.items()} return self
[docs] def cnf(self, variable: Symbol | None = None, simplify: bool = True, force: bool = True) ->BooN: """Convert the formulas of the Boolean network to CNF.Convert the formulas of the Boolean network to CNF. :param variable: The variable where the formula is to be converted in CNF (Default None). If variable is None, then all the formulas are converted to CNF. :param simplify: Boolean flag determining whether the formula should be simplified (Default True). :param force: Boolean flag forcing the complete simplification of the resulting CNF (Default True). :type variable: Symbol :type simplify: bool :type force: bool :return: self :rtype: BooN """ if variable: try: self.desc[variable] = to_cnf(self.desc[variable], simplify=simplify, force=force) except KeyError: errmsg("The variable is not found", variable) else: for var in self.desc: self.desc[var] = to_cnf(self.desc[var], simplify=simplify, force=force) return self
[docs] def dnf(self, variable: Symbol | None = None, simplify: bool = True, force: bool = True) ->BooN: """ Convert formula(s) of the Boolean network to DNF. :param variable: The variable where the formula is to be converted in DNF (Default: None). If variable is None, then all the formulas are converted to DNF. :param simplify: Boolean flag determining whether the formula should be simplified (Default: True). :param force: Boolean flag forcing the complete simplification (Default: True). :type variable: Symbol :type simplify: bool :type force: bool :return: self :rtype: BooN """ if variable: try: self.desc[variable] = to_dnf(self.desc[variable], simplify=simplify, force=force) except KeyError: errmsg("The variable is not found", variable) else: for var in self.desc: self.desc[var] = to_dnf(self.desc[var], simplify=simplify, force=force) return self
# DEF: INTERACTION GRAPH @property def interaction_graph(self) -> nx.DiGraph: """Build the interaction graph. :return: The interaction graph. :rtype: Networkx DiGraph """ all_dnf = all(map(is_dnf, self.desc.values())) # Check whether all the formulas are in DNF. if all_dnf: net = self else: # if some formulas are not in DNF, then convert them into DNF. net = self.copy() net.dnf() variables = net.variables ig = nx.DiGraph() for var in variables: clauses = net.desc[var].args if isinstance(net.desc[var], Or) else (net.desc[var],) # get literals_formula clause of the dnf associated to the variable. literals_formula = set() # set of all literals in the dnf all_literals_clauses = [] # list of literals per clauses for clause in clauses: literals_clause = logic.clause2literals(clause) literals_formula = literals_formula.union(literals_clause) all_literals_clauses.append(literals_clause) # Find positive variables. posvariables = {lit for lit in literals_formula if isinstance(lit, Symbol)} # Find negative variables. negvariables = {firstsymbol(lit) for lit in literals_formula if isinstance(lit, Not)} # critical variables occur positively and negatively in the formula. critical_variables = posvariables & negvariables # remove critical variables from positive and negative variables to get pure sets. negvariables.difference(critical_variables) posvariables.difference(critical_variables) for src in posvariables: # Define interaction for pure positive variables. module = set() for i, lits in enumerate(all_literals_clauses, 1): if src in lits: module.add(i) ig.add_edge(src, var, sign=1, module=module) for src in negvariables: # Define interaction for pure negative variables. module = set() for i, lits in enumerate(all_literals_clauses, 1): if Not(src) in lits: module.add(-i) ig.add_edge(src, var, sign=-1, module=module) for src in critical_variables: # Define interaction for positive and negative variables. module = set() for i, lits in enumerate(all_literals_clauses, 1): # find the appropriate modules w.r.t. to literals if src in lits: module.add(i) elif Not(src) in lits: module.add(-i) else: pass ig.add_edge(src, var, sign=0, module=module) ig.add_nodes_from(variables) return ig
[docs] def draw_IG(self, IG: nx.DiGraph | None = None, modular: bool = False, **kwargs)->nx.DiGraph: """ Draw the interaction graph. :param IG: The interaction graph or None. If None, the interaction graph is generated from BooN (Default: None). :param modular: Boolean indicating whether the modular structure of interactions is displayed if True (Default: False) :param kwargs: additional keyword arguments to pass to the interaction graph drawing :type IG: networkx DiGraph :type modular: bool :type kwargs: dict :return: interaction graph :rtype: Networkx DiGraph """ ig = copy.deepcopy(IG) if IG else self.interaction_graph if not ig.nodes(): errmsg("The interaction graph has no nodes", "", "WARNING") return ig # The Graph must have nodes to be drawn. signs = nx.get_edge_attributes(ig, 'sign') sign_color = {edge: SIGNCOLOR[signs[edge]] for edge in signs} if modular: # add module specification in edges. modules = {edge: module.pop() if len(module) == 1 else module for edge, module in nx.get_edge_attributes(ig, 'module').items()} module_args = dict( edge_labels=modules, edge_label_position=0.8, edge_label_fontdict=dict(fontweight='bold', fontsize=8, color='darkgray') ) else: module_args = dict() ng.Graph(ig, node_color='antiquewhite', node_labels=True, node_size=6, node_label_fontdict=dict(family='sans-serif', color='black', weight='semibold'), arrows=True, edge_width=1, edge_color=sign_color, pos=self.pos, **module_args, **kwargs) return ig
[docs] def from_ig(self, IG: nx.DiGraph)->Boon: """Define the descriptor of a BooN from an interaction graph. :param IG: Interaction graph. :return: self :rtype: BooN """ # Find the maximal number of modules for each targetvariable. max_nb_modules = {node: 0 for node in IG.nodes()} modules = nx.get_edge_attributes(IG, 'module') for source, target in modules: max_nb_modules[target] = max(max_nb_modules[target], max(map(abs, modules[(source, target)]))) # define the structure of the DNF as a list of sets where each set stands for a clause. nodes = {node: [set() for _ in range(max_nb_modules[node])] for node in IG.nodes()} # Place the literal in clauses appropriately. for node in nodes: for target in IG[node]: for module in IG[node][target]['module']: if module > 0: lit = node elif module < 0: lit = Not(node) else: lit = None errmsg("Null module is not admitted - possible origin : non-monotone network", [node, target, module]) nodes[target][abs(module) - 1].add(lit) # convert into formula self.desc = {node: Or(*(And(*clause) for clause in nodes[node])) for node in nodes} return self
[docs] def model(self, mode: Callable = asynchronous, self_loop: bool = False) -> nx.DiGraph: """Compute the dynamical datamodel of the BooN w.r.t. a mode. :param self_loop: Determines whether the boon loops are included in the datamodel (Default: False). :param mode: Determines the mode policy applied to the datamodel (Default: asynchronous). :type self_loop: Bool :type mode: function :return: a Digraph representing the complete state-based dynamics. :rtype: Networkx Digraph """ def next_state(state, change): # update a state from changes. target = state.copy() target.update(change) return target variables = self.variables modalities = mode(variables) allstates = [dict(zip(variables, state)) for state in product([False, True], repeat=len(variables))] # Compute the state transition w.r.t. the network. transition = [ (state, next_state(state, {var: self.desc[var].subs(state) if not isinstance(self.desc[var], bool) else self.desc[var] for var in modality}) ) for state in allstates for modality in modalities] # remove duplicated transitions. transition = [edge for i, edge in enumerate(transition) if edge not in transition[:i]] # remove boon loop if requested. if not self_loop: transition = filter(lambda edge: edge[0] != edge[1], transition) # Graph creation with nodes as integers coding the states. G = nx.DiGraph() try: G.add_nodes_from([state2int(state, variables) for state in allstates]) except ValueError: pass G.add_edges_from([(state2int(src, variables), state2int(tgt, variables)) for src, tgt in transition]) return G
[docs] def draw_model(self, model: nx.DiGraph | None = None, mode: Callable = asynchronous, color: list[str] = COLOR, **kwargs) -> None: """ Draw the graph representing the datamodel of dynamics. :param model: Input datamodel graph of the BooN or None (Default: None). If it is None, the asynchronous datamodel computed from the BooN. :param mode: Function characterizing the mode of the datamodel (Default: asynchronous) :param color: list of colors for highlighting the equlibria (Default: COLOR) :param kwargs: extra parameters of nx.draw_networkx. :type model: Networkx DiGraph :type mode: function :type color: list :type kwargs: dict :return: None :rtype: None """ themodel = model if model else self.model(mode) eqs = self.equilibria(themodel) if len(eqs) > len(color): errmsg(f"the number of colors is insufficient to highlight the equilibria, length of color: {len(color)}, number of attractors", len(eqs)) variables = self.variables def colorize(node) -> str: # Return the color associated to the attractor in which the node is located otherwise -1 for i, eq in enumerate(eqs): if int2state(node, variables) in eq: return color[i] return 'oldlace' def is_eq(node) -> bool: for eq in eqs: if int2state(node, variables) in eq: return True return False nx.draw_networkx(themodel, labels={node: format(node, 'b').zfill(len(self.variables)) for node in themodel.nodes()}, with_labels=True, font_size=11, font_family='fantasy', node_shape='s', node_size=[200 * math.log(len(themodel.nodes()), 2) if is_eq(node) else 200 for node in themodel.nodes()], node_color=[colorize(node) for node in themodel.nodes()], bbox=dict(facecolor='oldlace', edgecolor='black', boxstyle='round,pad=0.1', lw=1.5), width=2, arrowsize=15, arrowstyle='-|>', **kwargs ) return None
[docs] def equilibria(self, model: nx.DiGraph | None, mode: Callable = asynchronous) -> list[list]: """ Calculate equilibria for the network based on datamodel dynamics. The method examines an exponential number of states, and thus it is restricted to networks with a small number of variables (max. ~10). :param model: Data model from which the equilibria are calculated. If the datamodel is None, then the datamodel will be calculated from BooN. (Default: None) :param mode: updating mode function, used if the datamodel is None (Default: asynchronous). :type model: Networkx DiGraph :type mode: function :return: Equilibria structure as a list of lists where each sublist is an attractor. :rtype: List[list] """ themodel = model if model else self.model(mode=mode) scc = list(nx.strongly_connected_components(themodel)) # Compute the Strongly Connected Components. quotient_model = nx.quotient_graph(model, scc) # Deduce the quotient graph of the SCCs. equilibria = [node for node in quotient_model.nodes if quotient_model.out_degree(node) == 0] # Determine equilibria as the sink in the quotient graph, i.e. terminal SCC. return [[int2state(state, self.variables) for state in attractor] for attractor in equilibria] # Encode the equilibria.
[docs] def stability_constraints(self): """Define the stability constraints for a BooN.""" return And(*map(lambda var: Equivalent(var, self.desc[var]), self.variables))
@property def stable_states(self) -> list[dict]: """Compute all the stable states of a BooN. The algorithm is based on SAT solver. :return: List of stable states. :rtype: List[dict] """ solver = z3.Solver() # initialize z3 solver solver.add(logic.sympy2z3(self.stability_constraints())) # add stability constraints translated in z3. # Enumerate all models models = [] while solver.check() == z3.sat: model = solver.model() models.append(model) # Block the current datamodel to enable the finding of another datamodel. block = [sol() != model[sol] for sol in model] solver.add(z3.Or(block)) # convert the solution to a list of states. return list(map(lambda model: {symbols(str(sol())): bool(model[sol]) for sol in model}, models)) # DEF CONTROLLABILITY
[docs] def control(self, frozenfalse: set | list | frozenset, frozentrue: set | list | frozenset) -> None: """Set control on the BooN. The controlled variables are divided in two classes: the variables frozen to false and the variables frozen to true. A variable can be in both classes. :param frozenfalse: List, set or sequence of variables that should be frozen to false by control. :param frozentrue: List, set or sequence of variables that should be frozen to true by control. :type frozenfalse: Iterable object (list, set, tuple) :type frozentrue: iterable object (list, set, tuple) :return: self :rtype: BooN """ variables = self.variables for var in frozenfalse: if var in variables: u0 = symbols(f"{CONTROL}0{str(var)}") self.desc[var] = And(self.desc[var], u0) else: errmsg("The variable is not found, skipped", var, "WARNING") for var in frozentrue: if var in variables: u1 = symbols(f"{CONTROL}1{str(var)}") self.desc[var] = Or(self.desc[var], Not(u1)) else: errmsg("The variable is not found, skipped", var, "WARNING") return self
[docs] def possibly(self, query): """Compute the possibility constraint. :param query: A formula characterizing the query, objective or goal. :type query: Sympy formula :return: a formula specifying the possibility. :rtype: Sympy formula """ return And(self.stability_constraints(), query)
[docs] def necessary(self, query, trace: bool = False): """Compute the necessary constraints. :param query: A formula characterizing the query, objective or goal. :param trace: Boolean flag determining whether the trace is activated (Default value = False). :type query: Sympy formula :type trace: bool :return: CNF specifying the necessity. :rtype: Sympy formula """ if not self.desc: return True # Specification of the necessity. stability = self.stability_constraints() # stable stables specification necessity = logic.supercnf(Implies(stability, query), trace) # Necessary conversion into CNF of the query. necessary = And(*map(lambda clause: Or(*[lit for lit in logic.clause2literals(clause) if firstsymbol(lit).name.startswith(CONTROL)]), logic.cnf2clauses(necessity))) # Keep the control variables only. return necessary
[docs] @staticmethod def destify(query, trace: bool = False, solver=PULP_CBC_CMD): """Compute the core which is the minimal set of controls under the inclusion to satisfy the query at stable state. Destify is a neologism that refers to the deliberate and purposeful act of shaping destiny by influencing or directing the course of events or outcomes towards an expected goal. :param query: The query defining the expected destiny or goal as propositional formula. :param trace: Boolean flag determining whether the trace is activated (Default: False). :param solver: The PulpSolver used for solving the problem (Default: PULP_CBC_CMD). :type query: Sympy formula :type trace: bool :type solver: type :return: the core of control :rtype: frozenset[sympy formula] """ # predicate determining whether a literal is a negative control (e.g. ~ _u1). def isnegctrl(lit) -> bool: return firstsymbol(lit).name.startswith(CONTROL) and isinstance(lit, Not) # Check if the query contains control variables. if not is_controlled(query): errmsg("The query has no controls of prefix", CONTROL, kind="WARNING") return frozenset(set()) allprimes = logic.prime_implicants(query, isnegctrl, trace=trace, solver=solver) # The result is of the form ~ _u0X or ~_u1X. We need to get the control variable i.e. _u0X, _u1X ctrlprimes = {frozenset({firstsymbol(prime) for prime in primes}) for primes in allprimes} # Define the core composed of prime implicant sets that are minimal under the inclusion. core = {primeset for primeset in ctrlprimes if all(map(lambda otherprimeset: not (otherprimeset < primeset), allprimes))} return frozenset(core)